A Whole New Wizarding World
We thought we knew Hogwarts inside out; Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s adventures throughout their years at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry guided readers through the enchanting yet eerie hallways and crevices around the castle. However, Hogwarts is just one of the countless wonders of the wizarding world. Almost nine years after the last installment of the much loved Harry Potter series, fans are yet to uncover knowledge of the remaining wizarding world.
At the Celebration of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort on January 29th, Evanna Lynch (who played Luna Lovegood in the series) revealed four more to the three already known magical institutes—Ilvermorny in America, Castelobruxo in Brazil, Mahoutokoro in Japan, and the biggest wizarding school, Uagadou, in Africa.

Pottermore, a forum for interaction between J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter fans, confirms that there are eleven wizarding schools worldwide which are recognized by the International Confederation of Wizards. Aside from these eleven schools, there are a number of smaller institutes scattered across the world. Previously, fans only had knowledge of two main schools outside of Hogwarts, both of which participated in the Triwizard Tournament in The Goblet of Fire—Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute. Beauxbatons is located in the Pyrenees mountain range in France. Durmstrang Institute, the most secretive of the eleven schools, is believed to be located far north in Europe, near Sweden and Norway.We
Rowling went into detail about three of the new schools on Pottermore; each carrying characteristics parallel to the said country’s customs and culture and retaining those in its own unique magical practices. Ilvermorny in North America is left a mystery to be uncovered in time.
In a secluded area of Mount Hiei on the volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima, shrouded in mist, Mahoutokoro spirals gracefully into the sky. Students study at an ornate palace made of mutton-fat jade. At this school, students receive enchanted robes at the age of eleven, which change color based on their learning progression in magic. Students at Mahoutokoro are well-known for their academic prowess as well as their skilled Quidditch team.
Castelobruxo in Brazil is hidden deep within the Brazilian rainforest. As one could imagine intricate Inca ruins, this school resembles a temple. Castelobruxo is also well known for its foreign exchange programs with other schools. Small and mischievous spirit beings known as Caiporo protect the grounds and the residing students, described by Rowling to be more troublesome than Peeves the Poltergeist. Students at Castelobruxo wear vibrant green robes and are skilled in herbology and magizoology.

Uagadou is located Uganda at a location called “Mountains of the Moon.” The structure of the large school is described as mystical; hidden from view, Uagadou is carved out of the side of a mountain. Rowling discusses that the wand is a European invention; although witches and wizards in Africa (where magic is said to have originated) consider it a useful tool, they prefer to cast spells using hand gestures. Of the Eleven wizarding schools in the world, Uagadou is the only one to select pupils by Dream Messenger, leaving a token in the child’s hand while they sleep. Students of this institute are known to be skilled at astronomy, alchemy, and self-transfiguration.
Ilvermorny is still a mystery to be revealed as Rowling unfolds more wizarding history, but it is confirmed that the school is located on the East Coast. Rowling previously revealed that, although it is not in New York, “indigenous magic was important in the founding of the school.” Perhaps some Native American history will be tied into its roots? An alum is meant to appear in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them and help Newt Scamander on his adventures!
The revelation of the four new schools opens up the new possibilities in the limitations concerning the likes of witches and wizards, yet there is much left to be discovered in Rowling’s magical world. Where could the remaining three wizarding schools lie?