Athlete of the Month: David Hernandez

If you have been to a Wilcox football game this year, you have no doubt seen the starting quarter back, David Hernandez, on the field. With game winning plays and numerous touchdowns, Hernandez has not only made a name for himself on the Wilcox campus, but has become an inspiration to the players and coaches around him.
Hernandez has been playing football since the age of five, where he first realized he wanted to become a professional quarterback. Now on his second year as the varsity quarterback, Hernandez is top in the league for rushing yards, total touchdowns and total points.
Hernandez’s favorite part about being quarterback is the rush of nervous energy and excitement he gets before a game starts. “[I am] nervous, but in a good way,” Hernandez reveals. But with eleven touchdowns, 657 rushing yards, and 281 passing yards in just five league games, it is impossible to tell.
Hernandez mentions that the hardest part of becoming a quarterback is creating better chemistry with a new team each year. “I had gotten used to [last year’s] team, and this year over summer I had to get used to a new team”, Hernandez describes. Luckily, the team seems to be doing well, with four wins and two losses, putting the team in second place in the De Anza league.
After his games, Hernandez is ready to improve and get onto the next game, whether or not the team wins or loses. Hernandez always pushes the team during practices. Whenever the team has a bad game, or makes a bad play, Hernandez tries not to be discouraged. As seen by the team and his coaches, Hernandez always keeps his great attitude, and continues to surge forward on his journey to become both a better athlete and leader.
Outside of football, Hernandez is also an avid athlete in track & field and baseball. Soon to be on the varsity team for the third year this coming year, Hernandez is a top pitcher and outfielder on the Wilcox team. Hernandez participates in two events on the Wilcox track team, the one hundred meter dash and the four-by-one hundred meter relay, and he stands out as both an incredible athlete and student
Hernandez is also very involved in the school, taking part in this years homecoming skit for his class. In the classroom, he displays adamance, always pushing himslef to be a top student in honors classes. Outside of class, Hernandez is a part of many Wilcox clubs. So whether on the field or in class, Hernandez is an uplifting charger who many of his peers look up to.
As of right now, Hernandez is undecided on what he wants to study in college, or where he wants to attend, but one thing is for sure: he is going to play football. As an outstanding athlete, student, and member of the Wilcox community, Hernandez will no doubt succeed in college, and has a promising future ahead of him, wherever he may end up.
Hernandez has proven himself to be a prominent leader, athlete, and student. Throwing perfect spirals to receivers down the field, blowing past defenders with blazing speed, Hernandez of one of the best, if not the best, quarterback in the De Anza league. With the determination and hard-work he has displayed, Hernandez will no doubt lead the Charger football team through a successful season.