Humans of Wilcox: Kylie Gorman
Gorman and her adorable pig, Abby.
“Kylie is hard working and always makes you feel welcome,”says sophomore Kavya Sriram, “her outgoing personality is what makes her so fun to be around.” Junior Kylie Gorman actively contributes to the community and she enjoys every moment of it. At school, she thrives on the varsity lacrosse team, while at home she works on a farm and spends much of her time raising her thirteen pets. Gorman is a long term girl scout who ardently helps others by introducing them to animals and plays sports with a passion.
“At Animal Assisted Happiness, a farm that brings animals to special needs children, I help clean, and I go and bring animals on visits to schools,” Gorman said, explaining how she uses her enthusiasm for animals to help others, while still doing something she loves to do. She keeps her pigs and goats at the Homesteaders 4-H Ranch, raising them for a fair in August.
At home, she enjoys spending time with her thirteen pets, which consist of three dogs, two guinea pigs, three chickens, one cat, two goats, several fish, and two pigs are on the way. Growing up with animals led to her interest in farm activities. “I’ve always been around animals, I guess. Going to the zoos, and all the little farms around, and my uncle worked at Cal Poly, so we’d always go to the dairy,” she explained.
As a member of the Wilcox varsity lacrosse team, Gorman introduced herself to lacrosse as a new activity last year, and ended up really enjoying herself on the field. She believes the team is getting better, considering that it just started last year. Gorman welcomes and encourages all the new players, and Sriram remembers being on the team together fondly, saying, “She motivates our team to do better, and she made my sports experiences that much more enjoyable and fun.” Her personality shines in the game, driving herself and her teammates to improve and push themselves to reach higher achievements. Gorman’s optimism influences other people on the team, and brings up moral to make the game more worthwhile.
Although Gorman took a break this year, she has been a girl scout for over ten years, first joining in kindergarten. She hopes to participate again next year and rise in the ranks as a current senior scout to become an ambassador. Being a girl scout is a big part of her life as earning badges, moving up levels, and being a part of a bigger community is rewarding, and has taught her many life skills. When asked where she sees herself in ten years, Gorman said she hopes to be in medical school and working as a paramedic, while still being around the animals she adores. As an animal lover, sports enthusiast, and avid community member, Gorman lights up the room with her outgoing personality, which motivates other people wherever she goes. “Ok, yeah I’m kinda weird,” she laughs, “but everyone’s weird in their own way.”