Star Olympic athlete Alex Morgan’s early 2000 sensational series The Kicks inspired millions of young athletes worldwide—each of whom was inspired to carry the passion of Morgan’s carefully crafted characters into their own athletic performance. The series’ resounding themes of perseverance and determination on the soccer field particularly impacted Vidhya Subbarayan, who currently plays center midfielder for the Wilcox High School Varsity Girls Soccer team.
Vidhya’s love for soccer started when she was just 5 years old when she put on the recreational track at her local sports club alongside her older brother. Her passion for soccer grew exponentially after her first introduction—she quickly grew to love the flow of the game. She describes that “[w]hen the team drives the ball up the field and [she’s] close to the box, close to scoring, the intensity and adrenaline [she] feels in that moment is one of [her] favorite things about playing.” This sustained interest prompted her to switch to the competitive track, where she was able to fine-tune her skills further.
Vidhya’s continued interest in soccer prompted her to join the varsity soccer team at Wilcox as a freshman, further motivating her to develop the close team bond that encouraged her love for soccer in the first place. Vidhya’s supportive teammates have been incredibly helpful in maintaining a positive attitude even when the scores aren’t ideal and keeping the environment much more lighthearted.
The strong team bond comes in handy considering that the high school practice schedule for girls soccer can be demanding at times, with practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for around an hour and a half. Additionally, the team typically has games on Tuesdays and Thursdays lasting over two hours. Fortunately, Vidhya has learned to accommodate this rigorous schedule with her difficult academic courseload with one simple technique: organized, consistent planning. She makes sure to allocate enough time to eat and shower after her practices and games, and then immediately starts her various homework assignments and studying to prepare herself for the following school day. She notes that she usually has to “be very careful about what [she] uses her time for,” and that planning helps her to stay on track.
Aside from directing her journey as an athlete, soccer’s transformative lessons have reshaped Vidhya’s mindset entirely. She has learned to be much more adaptable, learning to manage unexpected events and problem-solve from the quick thinking she has learned to employ on the soccer field. This sense of flexibility is something that she carries in her daily life, providing her with newfound strength and confidence as she tackles daily challenges.
Most importantly, though, she is motivated to continue playing soccer solely because she
Enjoys playing. The rush she feels when she makes a good through ball is simply unbeatable and is a feeling she hopes to preserve during college as well. Although she does not foresee playing soccer competitively, Vidhya is excited to continue as a recreational athlete—ensuring her soccer journey is far from over.