As the second semester rolls on, the CAASPP testing season approaches quickly as well. Recently, however, the CAASPP testing season has seen a number of changes: the testing period has been extended to three weeks and testing has moved to being conducted in the classes related to that subject. Teachers have also been starting to stress the importance of the CAASPP in conversations with students.
Michelle Nguyen, a senior at Wilcox, reported that some math teachers have even begun requiring students to get a passing grade on the CAASPP to get a letter of recommendation for colleges, regardless of their performance in the class. So, what’s with the changes to CAASPP testing, and why do they matter?
Michael Stieren, a vice principal at Wilcox, stated, “We are going to treat testing differently from a structural standpoint. How we do the testing, how we set it up for kids, where they do it, how long they get to do it — and that is to raise its prominence.”
The CAASPP tests students on their understanding of the common core curriculum according to state standards. In addition to general knowledge, it tests for skills such as critical thinking, writing ability, and mathematical thinking.
Over the past two years Wilcox’s English Language Arts and Math scores have been declining. Examining the California School Dashboard from the CA Department of Education, Wilcox’s average Math and English scores are currently in the yellow. Math is 42 points below average, having declined 4 points from the previous year; meanwhile, English is 21 points below average, having declined 25 points. Along with that, nearly 41% of students were below the average standard for the English portion and 60% were below average for the Math portion. Despite these scores however students have been performing well in things like AP Exams.
Mr. Stieren explains, “Same kids but massively different results… getting a five on an AP calculus and not meeting standards, when calculus is two grade levels above what [CAASPP] is testing for.”
Wilcox’s reputation as an academic institution is dependent on CAASPP results. A high school’s ranking can have a direct impact on students when they apply to colleges.
“They look at your individuality in relation to the circumstances you existed in” explains Mr. Stieren, “the best way I can help kids understand this is… AP classes, so if you go to a school and there’s only three AP classes that are offered there, and I go to a school and there are twenty-three AP classes that are offered but we both only take three. You look stronger, you did everything that your school offered.”
Similarly, the CAASPP is testing Wilcox’s ability to teach students with what resources they have. Wilcox, being located within Silicon Valley, is provided with more funding. Major tech companies such as Apple, Meta, and Google are also located within the area so things such as their property taxes directly help fund the school district and Wilcox’s programs. Considering this, Wilcox students might be expected to be performing better on the CAASPP than students in schools with less resources.
CAASPP scores can also aid students in college. Having a high CAASPP score when entering a California State University or community college can allow students to skip prerequisite classes like basic english or math, saving them money.
Despite the CAASPP’s significance to students and Wilcox as a whole, many students have overlooked the exam over the years.
Yusef Perwez, a senior at Wilcox, stated, “The reason people probably don’t pay as much attention to the CAASPP is unlike the SAT or or AP testing, the CAASPP is mandatory and when [students] elect to take a test it automatically gets in your head.”
Senior Thomas Wu comments on the attitude many students take toward the CAASPP, stating “[Students] need to care about more issues that don’t regard themselves…these tests impact the school and the families living around here but people just don’t take that into consideration.”
Hopefully, with the recent updates, students and staff will be more aware of the impact of CAASPP and be able to work together to raise Wilcox’s scores.