It is FANTASTIC to Participate

Some students may believe that school seems like this giant, endless cycle. You wake up, eat, go to school, work hard, do homework and then go to sleep at an unreasonable hour. Where is the time for fun and making memories? I personally believe that participating in activities like clubs, sports, and school activities help relieve stress and make students’ high school experiences more fun. These kinds of activities may help teenagers find friends who share their interests, get active, and contribute to making the world a better place. Students are so focused on their AP classes and getting into a good college that I think at times they neglect to do something fun.


First of all, Wilcox offers a large variety of clubs, ranging from service, to culture, to technology related. Whether you are an artist, yogi, computer fanatic, or are passionate about helping the world, there is truly something for everyone. Clubs also offer a great opportunity to meet fellow high school students who share their interests and passions. It is very rewarding to be a part of an international service project through Interact, or even making small compliments to brighten a student’s day through ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) Club. GAINS (Girls Achieving In Non-Traditional Subjects) is also a very popular club at Wilcox. Women come to speak to Wilcox females about their non-traditional jobs and how they got there. Clubs are a fun and social way to contribute to a cause or to learn something new.


Secondly, school sports are a great thing for students to participate in. Being part of a team, no matter how small, is a wonderful experience. You are able to bond and become friends with your teammates, no matter what grade you are in. Exercise is also the perfect way to relieve all of that stress. Many students like myself enjoy going to a sports practice or going for a run around the block if they are having a bad day. It instantly makes me feel better. Like clubs, there are also many sports options to choose from, spread among the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Sports are a fun way of getting a workout in with your close teammates.


Last but not least, Wilcox has many school activities that are exciting. Homecoming spirit days, float building, skit night, and the big game made for a buzzing week full of fun in the fall. It was great to see all types of people contribute to their class. Dancers, athletes, artists, and academics all helped equally to produce a great skit. The days leading up to Homecoming were just as fun as the night itself. I made so many memories, and even some new friends.

Fantastics is coming up, and the classes are eagerly preparing for the dances, games, and banners. Contributing to this is really fun and rewarding if you are a part of the reason your class does well. Freshman class president Claire Dong agrees, saying, “Participation in school activities is important because it is an essential part of having a memorable high school experience. The more involved you are, the more fun you will have!” Being involved in activities other than just schoolwork can help relax you, express yourself, and take your mind off of your problems.


In order to have a memorable high school experience, it is necessary to get involved. Students benefit from this by coming out of their shell and meeting new people, getting active, and just making memories from those all-day Fantastics practices. No matter your interests, there is definitely a way to be an active student of Wilcox High.