Charging away from being a Charger

With four memorable years at Wilcox coming to an end, students have started to look towards their futures and say goodbye to high school life. With so many options to follow after high school, choosing the best path can be hard. Some courageous students choose a path that differs from the stereotypical route of attending a four-year university. At Wilcox, some students are striving towards the military, the navy, a musical or dance career, or the work force.

For some students, going into military is their next challenge. Joining the Navy or Army after high school has many benefits. Both military forces provide a stable and life-changing career with a free college education after four years of service. There are many programs in which you can train to become a military or navy leader. The Army has a program where you are offered four year educational assistance in exchange for four years in the army. For some students, this is beneficial and can set you up for a great career later on. A downside to joining military forces is that once you sign up, you are committed for those four years.  

People enlist in the military for a variety of reasons. Bree Gugliemelli is a student at Wilcox who is following her passion for swimming by joining the Navy and becoming an Aviation Rescue Swimmer. She decided on this career choice because she, “was not interested in going to college and was looking at other options and the military was one of them.” After looking into the military, she decided she wanted to give back and serve her country. By becoming an Aviation Rescue Swimmer in the Navy, she said she could, “help others and enjoy [her] job at the same time.” She said, “I can also translate my military career into the civilian workforce once I finish my time in the service.”

For others, joining the workforce after graduation is the path they will take. For some it is to earn money so that they can afford to go to college later, and for others it is simply to find a job to support themselves without a college education. College is very expensive, and by earning money first instead of having to pay off loans later can be a great financial decision. Others simply do not feel interested in collage and strive to find other ways to be successful.

Lastly, some students strive to pursue a musical or dance career after high school. There are many different types of musical careers that revolve around song production, performance and more. For those who are musically inclined, sticking with music seems like the best option. These talented artists are celebrated and admired as they are able to make a career out of their passion. For dancers, it is common to spend time auditioning for shows and productions. Making a leap from a hobby into a career can be challenging, but possible. Matilda Mackey, a student at West High School, is an example of this. At the age of seventeen, a senior in high school, Mackey auditioned for a spot at Juilliard. Auditioning alongside many others, her chances were slim. Mackey impressed us all and herself by earning a spot. She said to Holly Hines from the Today Network, “I was still so shocked when I got the call.” Mackey followed her dreams to turn her passion into her occupation.

Everyone has their own goals in life and we celebrate what they want to do. It is inspiring to watch these people venture from the expected path to find their own success in life. Students charge away from being a Wilcox Charger and look towards achieving their many goals in the future.