October’s Rants and Raves


Korean Shaved Ice: Move aside ice cream, your reigning days are over. Korean shaved ice is ready to take your place. Like snow, it is very fine and melts in your mouth almost immediately, while the toppings are refreshing and not overwhelmingly sweet. Traditionally, Korean shaved ice is topped with red beans and condensed milk, and my personal favorite topping, rice cakes. Rice cakes are small chewy bites of deliciousness, they are also known as “mochi” and in Korean they are called ddeok. Nowadays, you can get the shaved ice with fresh fruits, ice cream, and even drizzled with chocolate syrup. This lovely treat is perfect for any time of year.

KakaoTalk: This is a free messaging app that uses Wi-Fi. You can talk to people all over the world! You can send photos, videos, voice notes, make group chats, call people, have group calls, and even video calls! It is also free, I mean who does not like free stuff? The calls have fun voice filters you can use and you can call and text at the same time. Plus you get cute emoticons when you install the app, and the app has a wide variety of emoticons that you can buy for about two dollars. In group chats you can set appointments with reminders, post announcements, and even create polls. It is very user friendly and easy and fun to use. It is available for most smartphones and you can even download it in your computer.

California Weather: Everyone in who has lived in California for a while takes the weather for granted. We get sunny skies and mellow weather, our climate is the very epitome of mildness. Living near the coast we get a perfect Mediterranean climate, with few extreme changes in temperature. The summers are not scorching and our winters are not freezing. You can wear shorts and hoodies all year round. Even if it was really warm during the day, at night, the weather is cool. Anyone who comes to California can at least agree on one thing, California has pretty awesome weather.


30 Minute Lunch:A thirty minute lunch is an abomination. Does the school really expect me to finish a meal in only 30 minutes? Seriously, you might as well expect me not to eat anything. When I first came to Wilcox, I was planning to get cafeteria food occasionally, but when I saw the lunch line, those plans fell through altogether. The lunch line in the cafeteria is CRAZY. Just standing in line could take you twenty minutes, leaving you with a measly ten minutes to eat. I would appreciate at least forty minutes, then I could actually enjoy my food. Lunch also lets you take a break from studying and learning to talk to your friends, but if your friends are gone for half the lunch time, when can you talk to them?

Sweat:It is sticky, it smells weird, and no one looks good sweaty unless you are in a commercial or look like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. Sure, it may just be a bodily function but sweating is still gross. At least with other bodily functions, you usually feel better afterwards, but sweating just makes you feel dirty. Do not get me started on when you are a teenager already insecure about so many things, sweating is another problem you have to cover up. I wish the body had another way off cooling off rather than sweating. Maybe sweat could be unscented, or even better, make you smell like you just baked a fresh batch of chocolate cookies.

Hallways:Hallways, you cannot escape them. There is really no solution to hallways because we do need them, but honestly, they are so annoying. If there are a bunch of people in the hallway, you will get crushed between random people who are on their phones or looking down. Why do I have to be the person who must move out of the way, I mean you have working legs too, use them. There is also that problem where you an awkward dance do when you try to move out of the way that makes you want to die from embarrassment. Oh, and to all the people who take up half of the hallway, could you please move to one side? To the people who stop in the middle of the hallway, please note that people are walking behind you.