Has Spring Finally Sprung?

As February comes to an end, spring is starting to take over the dried out California atmosphere.  December was cold, damp, and brisk. Clouds were darker and puddles were bigger. The year of 2016 had a rough and rocky start as students layered on their sweatpants and sweaters.  Girls even wore their treasured UGG boots in the pouring rain just to keep themselves warm. Now that March is beginning in just a few days, the hard transition to spring from winter has started.

(Courtesy of Caroline KloesUgg boots are swapped for flip flops as spring nears.

Many students have begun switching out their crinkled, well worn, UGG boots for a pair of dusty flip flops. The same is for exchanging sweat pants for shorts.  The weather took a drastic, but good, change going from: notably cold, from a Californian standpoint, to a high eighty degrees, all within a shocking five days.  With all of these weather changes, students at Wilcox are beginning to complain, as one sophomore states, “It really took me by surprise.  One minute I am walking out of my house with four layers on and boots and my really thick infinity scarf and before I know it the next I am wearing my flip flops and a thin t-shirt ready for a hot day.”

Additionally, for freshman Ali Salehi, this weather is the best thing in a while. “To me, this shift in weather means a lot of different things.  It means that the grass on the soccer field will not be soaked during our games.”  For many other soccer players, this was a huge problem in January when the rain would not stop.  Salehi adds, “But it also means that club soccer is starting and I can trade in my jeans and switch in for a pair of athletic shorts instead.” This change has let people know that the windy, rainy, and harsh winter is slowly coming to an end and to prepare for the spring weather. Freshman and beach volleyball player, Isha Gokhale, playfully joked around saying, “This weather is just like how it is in the summer time. I could just grab my ball, sunglasses, some friends, and sunblock, for heading out to the beach to have some great sand time.”  After months of cold weather making us blast the heat, is it finally changing to sunshine, tan lines, and maybe even the AC? Embrace this warmth and sunshine, because rain will be scattered in the weather giving you a few days to be cooled off my light sprinkles.

It is not just weather seasons that are changing.  Spring sports have started up, and with the prediction of El Nino terminating this spring or summer students are even more excited. The swimmers have come out of hibernation and are prepared to dive right in.  It is the most perfect time to throw on your swimsuit, and get in a couple of hours of reps.  Also, to balance out of the hot weather, a dip in the pool is perfect.  Track has started as well, and these eager competitors of Wilcox are enjoying the heat some find excruciating. These runners, jumpers, and throwers are done with the cold and are super excited for the summer like temperatures. “Whenever it is hot, it just sets the vibe for me.  I feel like I can run forever.  It is not to hot and it is not too hot either.” says track member and junior, Audri Saucedo.  Students are more than ready for the sun to be back.  “I cannot wait for the weather to stay like this.  I love the hot and humid air and how it wraps around my body in the afternoon.” says a freshman at Wilcox.  “The cold is not suited for me.  I am definitely ready for spring and everything it has to offer.” Spring is on its way if it is not here already!